This is a list of recent publications by members of the group.
This list is chronological by year with each year sorted
alphabetically. The years before 1998 are available.
Most titles are hyper-linked to PDF files which can be read via
download of Adobe Reader.
The "breathing" Earth (la terra che respira) at Solfatara-Pisciarelli (Campi Flegrei, 6 southern Italy) during 2005-2024: Nature's way of attenuating the effects of 7 bradyseism through gradual and episodic release of subsurface pressure.
Magma-Rock and Magma-Mush Interactions as Fundamental Processes of Magmatic Differentiation
The Role of Crustal Contamination throughout the 1329-2005 CE Eruptive Record of Mt. Etna Volcano, Italy
Episodic Magma Hammers for the 15 January 2022
Cataclysmic Eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai
A geodetically-constrained petrogenetic model for evolved
lavas from the January 1997 fissure eruption of Kilauea
A comparative study of two-phase equilibria modeling tools: MORB equilibrium states at variable pressure and H2O concentrations
Earthquake Research Advances
Under the surface: Pressure-induced planetary-scale waves, volcanic lightning, and gaseous clouds caused by the submarine eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano
Under the Surface: Pressure-Induced Planetary-Scale Waves, Volcanic Lightning, and Gaseous Clouds Caused by the Submarine Eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha�apai Volcano Provide an Excellent Research Opportunity
Legal Journal Link
Editorial: Magma-Rock and Magma-Mush Interactions as Fundamental Processes of Magmatic Differentiation
Editorial: Magma-Rock and Magma-Mush Interactions as Fundamental Processes of Magmatic Differentiation
Thermodynamic limits for assimilation of silicate crust in primitive magmas
Thermodynamic limits for assimilation of silicate crust in primitive magmas
Serial interaction of primitive magmas with felsic and mafic crust recorded by gabbroic dikes from the Antarctic extension of the Karoo large igneous province
Serial interaction of primitive magmas with felsic and mafic crust recorded by gabbroic dikes from the Antarctic extension of the Karoo large igneous province
Trachytic Melt Inclusions Hosted in Clinopyroxene Offer a Glimpse Into Samoan EM2-Endmember Melts
Trachytic Melt Inclusions Hosted in Clinopyroxene Offer a Glimpse Into Samoan EM2-Endmember Melts
Extreme isotopic heterogeneity in Samoan clinopyroxenes constrains sediment recycling
Extreme isotopic heterogeneity in Samoan clinopyroxenes constrains sediment recycling
Binary Mixing to Magma Chamber Simulator � Geochemical Modeling
of Assimilation in Magmatic Systems
From Binary Mixing to Magma Chamber Simulator � Geochemical
Modeling of Assimilation in Magmatic Systems
open‐system magmatic processes using the Magma Chamber Simulator
(MCS): part II�trace elements and isotopes
open‐system magmatic processes using the Magma Chamber
Simulator (MCS): part II�trace elements and isotopes
Diagnosing open‐system magmatic processes using the Magma
Chamber Simulator (MCS): part I�major elements and phase
open‐system magmatic processes using the Magma Chamber
Simulator (MCS): part I�major elements and phase equilibria
Ground movement (bradyseism) in the Campi Flegrei volcanic area:
a review, Claudia Cannatelli1,2, Frank J. Spera3, Robert J.
Bodnar4, Annamaria Lima5, Benedetto De Vivo6
movement (bradyseism) in the Campi Flegrei volcanic area: a
review, Claudia Cannatelli1,2, Frank J. Spera3, Robert J.
Bodnar4, Annamaria Lima5, Benedetto De Vivo6
J. S., Luttinen, A. V., Spera, F. J., & Bohrson, W. A. (In
press, 2020). Deep open storage and shallow closed transport
system for a continental flood basalt sequence revealed with
Magma Chamber Simulator. Contributions to Mineralogy and
of iron in the deep Earth, Wang,X., Fenf, X., Li,J.,
Khodagholian, D., Lin,J., Jackson,M., Spera,F., Redfern,S.,
Miao, M. 2019, posted on arXiv
of iron in the deep Earth, Wang,X., Fenf, X., Li,J.,
Khodagholian, D., Lin,J., Jackson,M., Spera,F., Redfern,S.,
Miao, M. 2019, posted on arXiv
Crustal Magma Mush: A tale Of Multiply Nested Processes and
Timescales, Frank J. Speras and Wendy A. Bohrson. [American
Journal of Science, Vol. 318, January, 2018, P. 90 �140, DOI
of Crustal Magma Mush: A tale Of Multiply Nested Processes and
Timescales, Frank J. Speras and Wendy A. Bohrson
F. & Scruggs, M. (2016) Fractional Crystallization and
In Encyclopedia of Geochemistry: A Comprehensive Reference
Source on the Chemistry of the Earth, (ed) W.White, Springer
International Publishing
Spera, Frank J., Schmidt, J. S., Bohrson, W. A. and Brown G. A.,
2016. Dynamics and thermodynamics of magma mixing: Insights from
a simple exploratory model.
American Mineralogist, Vol. 97, p.1155-1164.
Main Paper �
Appendix 1
� Tables
Nelson, Ryan T.,
Spera, F.J. and Ghiorso, M.S., 2016. (REVISION 2)
Thermodynamics, self-diffusion, and structure of liquid
NaAlSi3O8 to 30 GPa by classical molecular dynamics
simulations, American Mineralogist IN PRESS
S. Miao*, X. L. Wang, J. Brgoch, F. Spera, M. G. Jackson, G.
Kresse, and H. Q. Lin, On the Anionic Chemistry of Noble Gases:
Formation of Mg-NG (NG=Xe, Kr, Ar) Compounds under Pressure, J.
Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 14122 (2015).
Lesher, C.E., Spera, F.J., 2015. Thermodynamic and Transport
Properties of Silicate Melts and Magma. In: Sigurdsson, H.,
Houghton, B., Rymer, H., Stix, J., McNutt, S. (Eds.), The
Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, pp. 113-141.
Wendy Bohrson, Spera,
F., Ghiorso, M., Brown, G., Creamer, J. and Mayfield, A.
(2014), Thermodynamic model for energy-constrained open system
evolution of crustal magma bodies undergoing simultaneous
recharge, assimilation and crystallization: The magma chamber
simulator. J. Petrology, v. 55, p. 1685-1718
Dane Tikunoff and
Spera, F. (2014), Thermal conductivity of molten and glassy
and Mg2SiO4
by Non Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics at elevated Temperature
and Pressure, American Mineralogist, v.99, p. 2328-2336.
Kevin T.
Coffey, Axel K. Schmitt, Anabel Ford, Frank J. Spera,
Constance Christensen, Jennifer Garrison (2014), Volcanic ash
provenance from zircon dust with an application to Maya
pottery, Geology, G35376.1, published on May 22, 2014,
G. Ben Martin, M.
Ghiorso and F. Spera (2012), Transport properties and equation
of state of 1-bar eutectic melt in the system CaAl2Si2O8-CaMgSi2O6
by molecular dynamics simulation, American Mineralogist, Vol.
97, p.1155-1164.
Spera, F.J., 2011, BOOK
Daniele J. Cherniak, Editors. (2010) Reviews in Mineralogy and
Geochemistry, vol. 72, 1038 pages. ISBN: 978-0-939950-86-7.
$50.00 (U.S.), American Mineralogist, 96, p.1422
F. Spera, M. Ghiorso and
D. Nevins (2011), Structure, thermodynamic and transport
properties of liquid MgSiO3: Comparison of molecular models
and laboratory results, GCA Vol. 75, p.1272-1296
Fowler, S., Spera, F., Reply to
Gualda & Ghiorso Comment on Fowler & Spera (2011). A
Metamodel for Crustal Magmatism: Phase Equilibria of Giant
Ignimbrites, J. Petrology, Vol. 52 No. 3 p.435-438,
S.J. and Spera, F.J., (2010) A Metamodel for Crustal
Magmatism: Phase Equilibria of Giant Ignimbrites, J. Petrology
51(9): 1783-1830 doi:10.1093/petrology/egq039 .
Benedetto De Vivo,
Annamaira Lima,Robert J. Bodnar, Alfonsa Milia, Frank J.
Spera, Concettina Nunziata, Harvey E. Belkin, Claudia
Cannatelli, Il rischio eruzione nei Campi Flegrei. Le Scienze,
496 December 2009, 97-103.
Annamaira Lima, Benedetto De
Vivo, Frank J. Spera, Robert J. Bodnar, Alfonsa Milia,
Concettina Nunziata, Harvey E. Belkin, Claudia Cannatelli,
Thermodynamic model for uplift and deflation episodes
(bradyseism) associated with magmatic-hydrothermal activity at
the Campi Flegrei (Italy). Earth-Science Reviews 97 (2009)
M. and Spera F. (2009). Large scale simulations. In Rev.
Mineral. Geochem., vol. 71 (eds. R. Wentzcovitch and L.
Stixrude). Mineralogical Society of America, pp. 437-463.
Frank J Spera; Dean Nevins; Mark S. Ghiorso; Ian Cutler,
Structure, thermodynamics and transport properties of
CaA12Si2O8 liquid. Part I: Molecular dynamics simulations,
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 6918-6936.
Mark S. Ghiorso; Dean
Nevins; Ian Cutler; Frank J. Spera, Molecular dynamics
studies of CaA12Si2O8 liquid. Part II: Equation of state
and a thermodynamic model, Gechimica et Cosmochimica Acta
73 (2009) 6937-6951.
Till, C.B., Gans, P.B.,
Spera, F.J., MacMillan, I., Blair, K.D., Perils of
petrotectonic modeling: A view from southern Sonora,
Mexico, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. Vol. 186, p. 160-168
(2009) .
Nevins, D, Spera,
FJ, Ghiorso,M., Shear Viscosity and diffusion in liquid
MgSiO3: Transport properties and implications for
terrestrial planet magma oceans, American Mineralogist,
Vol 94, p 975-980, 2009 .
Martin, B, Spera,
FJ, Ghiorso,M, Nevins,D, Structure, thermodynamic and
transport properties of molten Mg2SiO4: Molecular dynamics
simulations and model EOS, American Mineralogist, Vol 94,
p 693-703, 2009 .
F.J., Fowler, S.J. (2009), Conceptual Model For
Small-Volume Alkali Basalt Petrogenesis: Implications For
Volcanic Hazards At The Proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear
Waste Repository, in (editors) Connor, C. B., Chapman, N.
A., Connor, L. J., i Volcanic and Tectonic Hazard
Assessment for Nuclear Facilities, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, UK.
Sarah J. Fowler and
Frank J. Spera, Phase equilibria trigger for explosive
volcanic eruptions, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 35,
L08309, doi:10.1029/2008GL033665, 2008.
Pertermann, M., A.G. Whittington, A.M. Hofmeister, F. J.
Spera and J. Zayak (2007), "Transport properties of
low-sanidine single-crystals, glasses and melts at high
temperature" Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,
155:689-702, DOI 10.1007/s00410-007 0265-x (2008).
Anabel Frod; Frank
J. Spera, Fresh Volcanic Glass Shards in the pottery
sherds of the Maya lowlands, Research Reports in Belizean
Archaeology, Vol. 4, 2007, pp. 111-118.
D. Nevins, F.J. Spera,
, (2007),Accurate computation of shear viscosity
from equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations
Molecular Simulation, Volume 33, Issue 15 December 2007 ,
pages 1261 - 1266.
Spera, Bohrson, W. A., Till, C.B., Ghiorso, M.S., (2007),
Partitioning of trace elements among coexisting crystals,
melt, and supercritial fluid during isobaric
crystallization and melting American Mineralogist, Vol 92,
pages 1881-1898 .
W. A., and F. J. Spera (2007), Energy-Constrained echarge,
Assimilation, and Fractional Crystallization
(EC-RA/�'/FC): A Visual Basic computer code for
calculating trace element and isotope variations of
open-system magmatic systems, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.,
8, Q11003, doi:10.1029/2007GC001781 (PDF file).
W. A., and F. J. Spera (2007), Energy-Constrained echarge,
Assimilation, and Fractional Crystallization
(EC-RA/�'/FC): A Visual Basic computer code for
calculating trace element and isotope variations of
open-system magmatic systems, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.,
8, Q11003, doi:10.1029/2007GC001781 (XLS file).
Sarah J., Spera, Frank J., Bohrson, Wendy A., Belkin,
Harvey, De Vivo, Benedetto, "Phase Equilibria Constraints
on the Chemical and Physical Evolution of the Campanian
Ignimbrite" , Journal of Petrology, vol 48, num 3, pages
459-493 (2007) doi:10.1093 /petrology/ egl068.
Scott M., Crisp, Joy A., Spera, Frank J.,"Long-Term
Volumetric Eruption Rates and Magma Budgets",Geochemistry,
Geophysics, Geosystems, vol 7, num1,
Spera, Yuen, D.A., Giles, G., "Tradeoffs inchemical and
thermal variations in the post-perovskite phase
transistion: Mixed phase regions in the Deep Lower Mantle?
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 159 (2006)
234-246, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2006.07.007.
W. A., Spera, F. J., Fowler, S. J., Belkin, H. E., De
Vivo, B. & Rolandi, G. (2006). Petrogenesis of the
Campanian Ignimbrite:
implications for crystal-melt separation and open-system
from major and trace elements and Th isotopic data. In: De
Vivo, B.
(ed.) Volcanism in the Campania Plain: Vesuvius, Campi
Flegrei and
Ignimbrites. Developments in Volcanology 9, pp. 249-288.
S., Bohrson,W., and F.J. Spera, Magmatic Evolution of the
Skye Igneous Centre, Western Scotland: Modelling of
Assimilation, Recharge and Fractional Crystallization.
Journal of Petrology, vol.45, no.12, pp.2481-2505, Dec
F.J., and Bohrson,W. (2004) Open-System Magma Chamber
Evolution: an Energy-constrained Geochemical Model
Incorporating the Effects of Concurrent Eruption,
Recharge, Variable Assimilation and Fractional
Crystallization . Journal of Petrology, vol.45, no.12,
S., and F.J. Spera, Transition to chaos and flow dynamics
in thermochemical convection in porous media, Transport in
Porous Media, 50, 179-195, 2003.
Spera, F. J., and W.
A. Bohrson (2002), Energy-constrained open-system
magmatic processes 3. Energy-Constrained Recharge,
Assimilation, and Fractional Crystallization (EC-RAFC),
Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 3(12), 8001,
E. W., et al., Upper-mantle dynamics revealed by helium
isotope variations along the southeast Indian ridge.
Nature, v. 409, p. 701-703.
W. A., Spera, F. J., Energy-Constrained Open-System
Magmatic Processes II: Application of Energy-Constrained
Assimilation-Fractional Crystallization (EC-AFC) Model
to Magmatic Systems. Journal of Petrology, v. 42, p.
Figures: Figure1
Other Figures
J., Bohrson, W. A., Energy-Constrained Open-System
Magmatic Processes I: General Model and
Energy-Constrained Assimilation and Fractional
Crystallization (EC-AFC) Formulation. Journal of
Petrology, v. 42, p. 999-1018.
Other Figures
D. J., Spera, F. J., Shear Viscosity of Rhyolite-Vapor
Emulsions at Magmatic Termperatures by Concentric
Cylinder Rheometry. Journal of Volcanological &
Geothermal Research, v.113, p.243-258. (2001).
De Vivo, B., et al., New constraints on the pyroclastic
eruptive history of the Campanian volcanic Plain (Italy).
Mineralogy and Petrology, v.73, p47- 65, (2001).
A., Spera, F. J., A molecular dynamics study of the glass
transition in Ca Al2Si2O8: Thermodynamics and tracer
diffusion. American Mineralogist, vol 86, 915-926
Morgan, N. A., Spera, F. J., The Glass Transition,
Structural Relaxation and Theories of Viscosity: A
Molecular Dynamics Study of Amorphous CaAl2Si2O8.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v.65, p.4019 - 4041,
F. J., Stein, D. J., Comment on "Rheology of bubble-bearing
magmas" by Lejeune et al. Earth and Planetary Science
Letters, v. 175, p. 327-331.
Spera, F. J., Physical Properties of Magma. In: Encyclopedia
of Volcanoes, H. Sigurdsson, Ed. (Academic Press, New York,
2000), p. 171-190.
Bryce, J. G.,
Spera, F. J., Stein, D. J., Pressure dependence of
self-diffusion in the NaAlO2-SiO2 system: Compositional
effects and mechanisms. American Mineralogist, v. 84, p.
Spera, F. J., A Slippery Problem with Explosive
Consequences. Science, v. 283, p. 1275-1276.
Schoofs, S., Spera,
F. J., Hansen, U., Chaotic thermohaline convection in
low-porosity hydrothermal systems. Earth and Planetary
Science Letters, v. 174, p. 213-229.
D. Nevins, F. J. Spera, Molecular dynamics simulations of
molten CaAl2Si2O8: Dependence of structure and Properties
on Pressure, American Mineralogist, vol. 83, pp.
J. Bryce,
F. Spera, and D. Stein, Pressure dependence of
self-diffusion in the NaAlO2-SiO2 system: Compositional
effects and Mechanisms. American Mineralogist, Vol. 84, pp.
345-356, 1998.
high-temperature rotational viscometer for silicate melts,
magamatic suspensions and emulsions: D. Stein & F. Spera
(1998) Review of scientific Instruments, vol. 69,no.9, pp.